We are so bad with our priorities + a free notion template to fix it

Atul Anand
2 min readAug 12, 2021
Photo by Min An from Pexels

As human beings, we are dumb. We can’t store all the things in our brain, we are bad at decision-making, we choose things that are new and attractive to us and not what we are getting good at, and because of all that we are dreadful at choosing our priorities.

What are we are good at?

The reason we are still able to survive in the world is that we can make ourselves better at each one of them through learning, creating systems, etc.

How we can get better with our priorities?

Understanding your priorities isn’t easy but there are two ways that outshine then others for me.

Eisenhower Matrix + 1

In an Eisenhower Matrix, you categorize your tasks based on importance and urgency. This is a very powerful method to prioritize your tasks and increase your productivity.

I like to add one more matrix to it: want i.e. the task that I wish to do.

I like to do at least do one thing that I just love doing, it doesn’t need to be important or urgent for me to do.

Do less to do more

An idea from the book Make Time, try to choose only one high-priority task for a day and block it on the calendar.

Also, if there are a lot of small tasks that have been escaping your mind try to make a block of time and complete all of them together.

Also, here’s a simple Notion template for you to get better with priorities: https://veil-echinacea-440.notion.site/Priotizing-Tasks-bc0547b496a949e6b7c1f371d95647ab



Atul Anand

I am a multi-passionate creator. I create content based on coding, notion, my journey, psychology, literature, and entertainment.