Make your content creation look effortless!

Atul Anand
2 min readSep 22, 2021

I have always wanted to make my content creation look effortless.

But still, I find myself working till the time I want to publish my content leading to silly mistakes, not optimizing my content for the platform, untimely posts, etc.

The reason why content creation is hard for you

It’s hard for most people because we are trying to create something that we should have done consistently over 2–3 days(depending upon the project), in a single day(mostly the last date).

How to get out of this?

You need two things to fix this issue:-

  • System — A platform where you can manage your content creation.
  • Schedule — A timeline of when to start and when to publish the content.

“If you are two busy to build good systems, then you’ll always be to busy.” — Brian Louge

Why do you need a System and Schedule?

A system will help you create your content effectively and manage it. This way you stay on top of your content creation. I use Notion to do this.

Also, I have a template, The Content Creation Hub, that can help you exactly achieve that. Know more about it here: The Content Creation Hub

A schedule will help you know when to start and when to end. This way you start on day 1 and do it regularly instead of piling everything up in a single day. I use Google Calendar & Content Creation Hub to do this.

None of the things will work if you don’t have this? Important!!

Truly, nothing is going to work.

Neither my templates nor any other systems will work. If you don’t have discipline.

You must have the DISCIPLINE to spend time on content creation every day without any distraction.



Atul Anand

I am a multi-passionate creator. I create content based on coding, notion, my journey, psychology, literature, and entertainment.